
A Manufacturer’s Guide to Navigating Supply Chain Complexities Using Digitalization

Industry Challenges 

Despite growing demand, manufacturing companies face significant and growing supply chain  disruptions: labor shortages, container shortages, port congestion and backlog, logistical  issues, heightened regulations, and increasing fuel prices are just a few of them. While they  cannot control most of these issues, embarking on a digitalization strategy might significantly  improve critical elements of their supply chain. 

The supply chain environments that manufacturers deal with are complex, involving processes that are based on agreements and blanket orders with inherent ordering rules and conditions  around pricing, shipping, deliveries, as well as processes with mandated supply chain rules,  special delivery scheduling and conditions. These types of environments involve orders with  hundreds of line items, partial shipments per line and multiple receiving and invoices per line,  as well as processes that include intermediate warehouses and/or 3PL, QA, MRB, 4WM and  returns, import via sea or air freight, and more. 

In such environments, companies invest a significant amount of time and effort ensuring that  suppliers comply with their business rules and policies, following up on order fulfillment,  supply chain execution and on-time delivery, validating invoices, handling invoice  reconciliation processes, validating payments, handling a significant number of errors and  discrepancies, and preventing fraud. Additionally, complex environments often involve  multiple geographies and the associated differing rules, regulations, and cultures, as well as  the presence of multiple applications and ERP systems. 

Efficient Automation

Automating these processes could offload most of the manual work, streamlining process  execution, speeding up responsiveness, shortening cycle times, and elevating end-to-end  efficiencies across the entire set of procure-to-pay processes.  

Assuming existing ERP systems and P2P processes remain intact, such a solution could support  improved supplier relations and satisfaction, ensure massive savings, and overall contribute  to greater competitiveness. 

Nipendo offers a cloud-based platform for the hyperautomation of procure-to-pay processes  in complex supply chain environments. Their holistic solution, which utilizes Robotic Process  Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, can be implemented  within a matter of weeks, automating such processes as: Forecasts, VMI, Consignment, S/N,  ASN, Delivery Scheduling, Import, 3PL, JIT, Task Management, Q&A, and more. 

Nipendo automatically governs P2P processes and verifies that both suppliers and buyers  perform the required tasks, in accordance with the corporate policy. Their platform manages and controls supplier responses and guides suppliers through the required response type and  timeline. It mandates required actions and provides relevant notifications, alerts and  escalation procedures specifically aligned with the Buyer’s business rules and policies,  customized to the specific position and role of the recipient. 

Nipendo also automatically follows up on open issues that fall within the governed processes and involves the highest possible number of suppliers, many of which differ from one another  quite significantly, in order to optimize use of any automation tool. 

Nipendo automatically reconciles e-invoices and validates any transaction and document type  that a supplier sends to the customer, including attachments, PO confirmation, and Shipping  Notifications. 

It can also automatically identify and correct errors in documents, based on predefined business rules and business policies of the buyer, and automatically validate invoices based  on associated documents, using advanced AI-based algorithms.  

On the supplier side, Nipendo enables multiple types of interactions, including B2B integration, Web Portal, Mobile App, and email. It stores supplier data, documents, and  certifications and manages document expiration dates. Most importantly, Nipendo resolves  discrepancies automatically, using a Machine Learning-based, continuous-improvement  process that learns the user’s behavior and receives feedback. 


To maintain their competitive edge in an environment characterized by ever-increasing  complexity, manufacturers should investigate the benefits associated with the digitalization  of procurement processes and supplier relations.  

The intelligent automation of procure-to-pay processes, involving process governance,  compliance management and enforcement, audit and validation, dispute resolution, and  discrepancy management could help organizations gain visibility into, and control over  procurement and supply chain processes, reduce process cycle time, and remove errors.

The implementation of such capabilities with minimal disruption to existing systems and  processes will further enhance their ROI.